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پایان نامه بررسی اثرات تغییر در عملکرد CNFET مدارهای دیجیتال

این پایان نامه به زبان انگلیسی، مربوط به دپارتمان الکترونیک و کامپیوتر دانشگاه ساوت‌همپتون (University of Southampton) انگلستان میباشد که در سال 2012 انجام و با رتبه عالی مورد تایید قرار گرفته است است.

With the continuous trend of reducing feature sizes, and employing continuously smaller components on integrated circuits, new challenges arise on the way of silicon CMOS circuits and devices. Emerging “nanodevices” promise the possibility of increased integration density and reduced power consumption. The emerging and new devices, partially due to their extremely small dimensions, show large variations in their behaviour. The variation shown by these devices affects their reliability and the performance of circuits made from them. The Carbon Nano-Tube (CNT) is one such device which is also the device of choice in this work. This work is concerned with building reliable systems out of these unreliable components. The work was done in HSPICE with the help of the Stanford CNFET model. Logic gates are implemented using CNT Field Effect Transistors (CNFETs) which are in turn made from CNTs with different physical attributes. Given a CNT manufacturing process, there exists a mean and standard deviation (STD) for the diameter distribution of the manufactured CNTs which depend on the accuracy of the manufacturing process.
In the first part of this work, CNTs with different mean diameters and standard deviations (STD) in their diameter distribution are considered. Simulation results show that logic gates made from CNTs with larger mean and smaller STDs in their diameter distribution show less variation in their timing behaviour (propagation delay, rise and fall times) and a promise of more reliable operation.
Alternative structures were then explored in the form of multiplexers and XOR gates. It is shown that these structures have the advantage over the gates studied previously in that they exhibit similar rise and fall transition times and hence are better suited to CNFET-based circuit design.
The next stage of this work involves implementation and simulation of a memory structure (SRAM). Parameters such as Static Noise Margin (SNM), leakage power and read/write delays were studied and the effects of CNT diameter variation on them examined.
The next contributions of this work are empirical models developed for a library of CNFET-based logic gates/circuit structures. The models can predict both the mean and standard deviation (STD) in various circuit performance parameters of a given CNFET-based logic gate/SRAM given the mean and STD of the diameter of CNTs used in their manufacture. The aim is, given a target reliability specification (timing requirements, power, speed, etc.), for various logic gates, and larger circuit components, to come up with a design strategy to suggest what physical properties the nano-device of choice should have to meet the target specification or vice versa. Best-case CNT diameter mean and STD selection scenarios are proposed to minimise circuit parameter variations.
In the last part of this work, the effects of doping fluctuations in the source/drain regions of the CNFETs on the performance of logic gates made from them are studied. The work concludes that if doping concentration is kept above 1%, variation in doping concentration has a minimal effect on performance parameters

تعداد مشاهده: 1636 مشاهده

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تعداد صفحات: 140

حجم فایل:2,463 کیلوبایت

 قیمت: 7,000 تومان
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    مناسب  جهت استفاده دانشجویان رشته برق الکترونیک و کامپیوتر

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اندازه گیری دی اکسید کربن هوا

یکی از نگرانی­ های جهانی ناشی از گرم شدن زمین می­ باشد که این گرم شدن نتیجه انواع سوخت­های فسیلی بالاخص افزایش غلظت دی­ اکسید کربن می­ باشد. هدف از این پروژه اندازه گیری غلظت دی ­اکسیدکربن هواست، که در برخی زمینه­ ها مانند کپنوگرافی که میزان غلظت دی­ اکسید کربن بازدمی از جمله پارامترهای حیاتی می ­باشد اندازه­ گیری می­ شود، این سیستم اندازه ­گیری از دو بخش کلی آنالوگ و دیجیتال تشکیل شده­ است، بخش آنالوگ برای تقویت دامنه ­ی سیگنال و بخش دیجیتال با استفاده از میکرو کنترلر ARM سری STM32F103C8 برای تبدیل سیگنال به مقدار دیجیتال و نمایش آن بر روی صفحه­ ی نمایشگر می­باشد.

فهرست مطالب:
فصل اول    
1.1) مقدمه    
فصل دوم    
فصل سوم    
انواع روشهای اندازه گیری دیاکسید کربن    
1.3) سنسور های شیمیایی    
1.1.3) انواع سنسورها ی شیمیایی    
2.3) سنسورهای NDIR    
1.2.3) انواع سنسورهای NDIR    
2.2.3) مشخصات سنسور MG 811    
فصل چهارم    
سخت افزار    
1.4) بررسی کلی سیستم    
2.4) طراحی و پیاده سازی بخش آنالوگ    
1.2.4) بافر    
2.2.4) تقویت کننده ی غیر معکوس کننده    
3.2.4) مشخصات آی سی  TLC272    
4.2.4) دقت نمونه برداری و تعیین بهره ی تقویت کننده    
3.4) طراحی و پیاده سازی قسمت دیجیتال    
1.3.4) مقدمه    
2.3.4) چرا ARM ؟    
3.3.4) مزایای ARM    
4.3.4) اشکال ARM    
5.3.4) آشنایی با پردازنده های ARM    
6.3.4) میکروکنترلرهای STM32F103xx    
7.3.4) الگوریتم کلی برنامه    
فصل پنجم    
نتایج پروژه    
پیوست ها    

تعداد مشاهده: 3251 مشاهده

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تعداد صفحات: 73

حجم فایل:18,242 کیلوبایت

 قیمت: 42,000 تومان
پس از پرداخت، لینک دانلود فایل برای شما نشان داده می شود.   پرداخت و دریافت فایل
  • راهنمای استفاده:
    مناسب جهت استفاده دانشجویان رشته برق و مهندسی پزشکی

پایان نامه کاربرد پلاسما در دستگاه های فوتونی پایه سیلیکون

این پایان نامه به زبان انگلیسی، مربوط به دپارتمان مهندسی برق و الکترونیک دانشگاه لیدز انگلستان (University of Leeds)  میباشد که در سال 2012 انجام و با رتبه عالی مورد تایید قرار گرفته است است.

Surface plasmon polaritons are highly confined electromagnetic waves which can be employed in developing miniaturised optical devices for bridging the size-mismatch between the nanoscale electronics and large diffraction-limited photonic devices. For this purpose, it is desired to develop silicon compatible plasmonic devices in order to achieve seamless integration with electronics on the silicon-on-insulator platform. Plasmonic devices such as modulators, detectors, couplers, (de)multiplexers, etc, would possess the advantages of having a small device footprint, low cost, low power consumption and faster response time. In this thesis, different silicon-based plasmonic devices were investigated using finite element simulations, including optical modulators, couplers and splitters. A metallised stub filled with SiGe/Ge multiple quantum wells or quantum dots in a silicon matrix, coupled to a dielectric waveguide was investigated. The modulation principles include ’spoiling’ of the Q factor and conversion of the electromagnetic mode parity, due to variation of the absorption coefficient of the stub filling. A CMOS compatible interference-based Mach-Zehnder modulator with each arm comprising a metal-insulator-semiconductor-insulator-metal structure, and a simpler single arm variant, were considered for electro-optic and electroabsorption modulation respectively. The electron density profiles in bias-induced accumulation layers were calculated with the inclusion of size-quantisation effects at the oxide-silicon interfaces. These were then used to find the complex refractive index profiles across the structure, in its biased and unbiased states, and eventually the modulator insertion loss and extinction ratio, and their dependence on various structural parameters. Finally, a silicon-based plasmonic nanofocusing coupler was investigated, which comprised symmetric rectangular grooves converging towards a central metal-silicon-metal nano-slit at the apex of the structure. The structure was optimised to achieve maximum coupling of light incident from a wide input opening, and coherent excitation and focusing of surface plasmons as they propagate towards the nano-slit waveguide. Application of the nanofocusing structure to achieve simultaneous coupling and splitting was also investigated, whereby incident light was focused into two nano-slits separated by a metal gap region at the apex. Such a plasmonic coupler or splitter can be used for coupling light directly from a wide fibre grating opening into nanoplasmonic waveguides in future on-chip plasmonic-electronic integrated circuits, or into the two arms of a plasmonic Mach-Zehnder modulator.

تعداد مشاهده: 999 مشاهده

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تعداد صفحات: 175

حجم فایل:12,868 کیلوبایت

 قیمت: 7,500 تومان
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  • راهنمای استفاده:
    مناسب جهت استفاده دانشجویان رشته مهندسی برق الکترونیک

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